Tuesday 26 May 2009


i screw up my financial engineering paper ...i think...

screwed! BIG time !


cried my eyes out while talking with my parents bout it.

suddenly my dad change the subject by saying,

"ouh, abah tgk gambar wanie makan nasi lemak. cantik. pakai tudung bunga bunga"

how lame it can be

but i believe that manage to actually make me smile a bit.

so wat if i screw 10 credit! so wat??


life still goes on.

i still have 3 paper to go.

haih. banyak ler pulak.

and yes, i look nice in the picture makan nasi lemak. yes.

financial engineering, get lost plz.

and here is another picture of me that i like.
its not my fav though.
but the expression that i put,

kan ke elok kalau tenang setiap ari.


* terasa seperti sesi perasan diri lawa ler pula. so wanie perasan. so? sesuka hati wanie.

* "Ya Allah ya tuhanku, mudahkan lah segala yg sukar, sesungguhnya memudahkan segala yg sukar adalah mudah bagi-Mu ya Allah. Help us all. "


Anonymous said...

yeah...go wanie go go go
chayok2...wanie boley...
jgn give up yaaaa
i'm here cheering you on..hihi

syazwanimanaf said...

guess how terible was the paper?

sampaikan just 2 hour after the exam finish, dah ade circular letter from faculty on regards to massive compalints on it.

thus there is a posibility that they will review the paper again.

sumpah lecturer ntah aper aper nak bunuh budak.


CT ;) said...

my dear wanie..
relax2 ye.. focus on the next paper pula, i'm sure u already tried ur best..
"Maka sesungguhnya di sebalik kesukaran ada kemudahan. Sesungguhnya di sebalik kesukaran ada kemudahan. Maka apabila engkau telah selesai (daripada suatu amal soleh) maka bersusah payahlah (berusaha melakukan amal soleh yang lain pula). Dan kepada Tuhanmu, berharaplah." [Surah Al-Insyirah, ayat 5-8]

p/s: ur dad was right.. sgt sweet dgn tudung bunge2 mase mkn nasi lemak itu~ ;)

Hope i've managed to put a smile ur face. Take care dear.. Lps exam kite mkn faluda byk2, okies..


syazwanimanaf said...

thanx ct,
i heart you.

p/s of coz la lawa tudung bunga bunga itu. siapa punya *wink*wink*

syaaban said...

dont worry la....
u mesti did well punya....
lupakan that paper...
focus more to paper lain k..
good luck n all the best!

syazwanimanaf said...

thanx syaaban ^_^

syaaban said...

No biggie.