Sunday 31 May 2009

Never go to bed angry, stay up and fight. - Phyllis Diller

But there is no use of fighting wen there is no one listening.
Such a waste of emotion.

Tuesday 26 May 2009


i screw up my financial engineering paper ...i think...

screwed! BIG time !


cried my eyes out while talking with my parents bout it.

suddenly my dad change the subject by saying,

"ouh, abah tgk gambar wanie makan nasi lemak. cantik. pakai tudung bunga bunga"

how lame it can be

but i believe that manage to actually make me smile a bit.

so wat if i screw 10 credit! so wat??


life still goes on.

i still have 3 paper to go.

haih. banyak ler pulak.

and yes, i look nice in the picture makan nasi lemak. yes.

financial engineering, get lost plz.

and here is another picture of me that i like.
its not my fav though.
but the expression that i put,

kan ke elok kalau tenang setiap ari.


* terasa seperti sesi perasan diri lawa ler pula. so wanie perasan. so? sesuka hati wanie.

* "Ya Allah ya tuhanku, mudahkan lah segala yg sukar, sesungguhnya memudahkan segala yg sukar adalah mudah bagi-Mu ya Allah. Help us all. "

Thursday 21 May 2009

a very very nice weird dream indeed.

wish it will come true.

Wednesday 20 May 2009

.mengejar mimpi....~

" ade ke budak merempit, naik scooter, bawak guitar",
from Merah Puteh drama series.

i laugh real hard while trying to imagine

a guy merempit,
bawak guitar
naik scooter.

nak merempit macam mana gitu?

the new malay series really capture my attention for sure..
and aizat songs has been my fav all long..
his voice..
with his guitar.....
the words that he choose... ^_^

Saturday 16 May 2009


the timing cant be any "better"

Thursday 14 May 2009

i like!

she inspire me..
likeeeeeeeeeeeeee reallyyyyyyyyyyyyy reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy inspire me!

she is just superb,
sgt colourful,
her photo's are amazing,
she is so cute,
her apartment is cute,
her weekends seems to be SO fantastic,
above all that,

she had fun. always.


sgtlah chomel.

"Bagai langit dgn bumi"

I'm sure u have heard it before.
a quote when something are so different, and posibly not meant to be together if it is interms of relationship-love wise.

tapi pernahkah anda terfikir bagaimana langit, tanpa bumi?

or bumi tanpa langit?


regardless, they cant be seperated, can they?

something to ponder about.


u know how M&M' s being so colourful,
brighten up ur day,
feelling fuzzly warm inside,
making u wanting more.

i..knw i love M&M`s..



p/s just for the note, yes, i do have very passionate feelings towards chocs. always.

Monday 11 May 2009

tetiba rasa happyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.....


tak tau.

and yes, i love tomok. ngeee

hang on there syazwani ^_^

1 more month to go ^_^

Sunday 10 May 2009

after still a gurl....just a gurl

Friday 8 May 2009

~rest if u must... but dont u give up~

Honestly speaking

siapa cipta exam exam benda nih smua..?
cakap skit...siapa..?

Final exam
26 may 2009
28 may 2009
8 june 2009
10 june 2009

11 june? mahu pergi mana? joly sakan?
ouh gentle reminder to those graduating this year, once ur student id card expires, which mine is 12 june..(uhuhuhuhuhu).., u are no longer entitle for ANY student discounts.
dats include, ticket wayang murah (huwaaaa)
... shopping baju discount 10%... smua lah...

its ok...nanti ade duit dah kan..kan....or, i can find a sugar daddy ....or....ade org nak kawen ke and sponsor saya seumur hidup...?


sila isi borang, kompem saya terima.